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Street Rods

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Obtaining Full Registration or Club Permit Log Book for your Street Rod or Collectible Car in Victoria

The following information should assist ASRF members with arranging either Full Registration or Club Permit Log book status for their ASRF Eligible Vehicle.

Firstly, any Licensed Victorian can obtain Full Registration for their Modified Car or Street Rod in Victoria, no club affiliation is required. Cars that are deemed essentially standard require only a current RWC. Car modified beyond Vicroads standard VSI8 “Guide to Modifications for Motor Vehicles” also require a VASS Engineers report.  VSI 8 is online at 3D08214BF7BE/0/VSInumber8Guidetomodificationsformotorvehicles.pdf
Full registration for private motor cars costs around $700 per year.

The Club Permit System is popular with those who use their older cars less often. To have access to Vicroads 45 and 90 day Club Permit (Log Book) system you need to be a member of an Approved Club, in our case the Australian Street Rod Federation. To be eligible the car must be at least 25 years old.

ASRF Membership

The ASRF has two types of Members, there are those who are part of the “Charter Clubs” see for a club near you, and “Individual Members” who do not wish to belong to a local club or attend meetings.

For ASRF Membership application, see:

Individual Membership Application can be done online by filling in your personal details; then a Paypal form will take a credit card payment. A few days later your new members pack will arrive in the mail. Charter Club membership is handled by the relevant Local Hot Rod /Custom Club.

The ASRF Victorian Division allows members with cars that are 25 years old or older (both modified and standard) to access “SR” “H” and “M” club plates. However, as the ASRF is predominantly for pre 1966 Street Rods and Customs access to the system for later cars is intended to assist Members who have a variety of cars in their collections. Therefore post 66 non ASRF classified cars are not always accepted by every club or rod run.

Full Registration for Street Rods in Victoria

Full Registration Street Rods with original chassis are inspected and tested by your LV approved VASS Engineer to Dotars code VSB14, (see below) and are treated as “Modified Production Vehicles”. Vicroads deem that 2 original chassis rails and two original cross-members are required for a Street Rod to be considered original chassis.

Repro Rods are classified as Individually Constructed Vehicles (ICV’S). To pass ICV rules a Repro Rod will require things like late model ADR engines, thus the SR Permit scheme which accepts Reproductions with older engines and less restrictive power to weight rules is very attractive if you are planning less than 90 days driving per year.

Club Permit for Street Rods (SR plates) and Collectible cars (H and M plates)

H plates are issued for 45/90 Day Permit standard cars produced post 1930.

(Pre 1930 Vintage and Veteran cars are issued plates with a 5-XXX or 6-XXX)

Pre 1949 Club Permit Standard Cars require either a regular RWC or Club Safety Inspection by the ASRF delegate. Vicroads have produced a new Vehicle Safety Inspection regulation specifically for H plates cars, referred to as VSI 33, and this allows some exemptions and extra modifications above VSI8 to assist enthusiasts where parts are unavailable or where a modification is very common and not in the realm of requiring a dedicated VASS Report.


Post 1948 Standard Cars going on H plates are now only accepted with a full RWC, (new Vicroads requirement from 1/2/2015)

Club Permit Modified post 48 cars (M plate cars) also need an Engineers Report and are checked by any LV approved VASS Engineer to National Code of Practice VSB14 see

SR plates are for Club Permit use for Street Rods (Modified cars Pre 1949 including Replicas). These vehicles are checked by any of twelve current SR1 or SR2 level VASS Engineers to the National Street Rod Guidelines, NSRG, see

Also Vicroads have extra rules re Collapsible Steering Columns, upward visibility and brake fade testing.

SR1 Inspections are for newly built Rods that have never previously been on the road as a Street Rod.  As such they require

1/ a full examination during construction,

2/ final approval when completed and

3/ a brake fade test, performed by any SR1 Approved VASS to the current NSRG.

SR2 Inspections are for cars having a previous history as a pre 49 street rod including previous Vic SR, Vic Full Reg, Interstate Club system or Interstate full reg. Cars that can be shown to have been registered as a street rod before the Engineers Report system was introduced around 1983 are also accepted provided they have the same specification since that time.

For SR2 the car should be checked to be the same as its original approval and still in a safe and roadworthy condition. Upgrading to the current NSRG and brake tests are not required, and non-engineering related changes are accepted.

Any SR1 Engineer can do SR2 approvals and Peter Koning does SR2 inspections and VASS Reports to assist ASRF members.

There are no restrictions to when or where you can drive on Club Permit SR or H /M plates, including to anywhere in Australia.

VASS Engineers Contacts.

SR1, SR2 and LV VASS Engineers contact details can be found at

Building your Modified Car

There is no need to contact Vicroads to discuss your planned modified vehicle, the VASS Engineer is authorised to consult and assist you and his Engineering Report is the arbitrary requirement at registration time.

You might wish to discuss your plans with the VASS before beginning your project, and he will usually want to check the unpainted rolling chassis/body whilst it is still easy to make changes. When completed have the VASS check, test and approve the finished car, he will issue you an Engineering Report for your chosen form of Registration or Club Permit for Vicroads.

Applying for Full Registration

For Full Registration make an appointment and take the Car with your ownership papers, VASS Report if applicable and a RWC to your local Vicroads Branch where the clerk checks the paperwork details match the car and issues your plates.  As well as charges for Registration and Third Party Insurance there will be Stamp Duty payable.

Your registration may be reviewed by head office as part of their usual VASS audit system but Vicroads should only query your registration if there are obvious discrepancies.

Applying for Club Permit for Street Rods

If applying for the 45/90 day Club Permit System, if applicable after obtaining your VSB14 or SR1/SR2 VASS Report you will need either a “Club Safety Inspection” (CSI) by an approved ASRF inspector, being Bruce Helms, Jim Davin, Geoff Murdoch, or Peter Koning, OR get your own RWC. Either is acceptable.

Our club safety check is essentially the same as a RWC and if we do this plus process all the application paperwork the cost is $250. If you provide your own RWC the processing fee is $100. (fees applicable from 1/7/2016)

Next Bruce, Jim, Geoff or Peter will sign off the Club Permit Application, see

Then take your VASS Report, CSI (or RWC) and signed Club Permit Application paperwork into your local Vicroads branch. There is no need to make an appointment or present the vehicle. Club Permits currently cost around $145 per year for 90 days and $73 for 45 days. Stamp Duty is not paid on Club Permits.

H and M plates are now kept at all Vicroads branches. SR plates are posted to you from Head Office and take approx. 1- 2 weeks to receive and it is best to ask the clerk to scan and email or fax your application direct to the CPS Office so it is not lost or delayed in the post. New rules instituted late 2015 require that you cannot drive the car until the plates are received in the post and unfortunately Vicroads head office does not allow customers to call and pick up their SR plates.

Log Books

Always fill in the required information BEFORE driving the vehicle. If you are found driving having not filled in the days details a heavy fine may be applied and repeat offenders may have their permit cancelled.

The first person to drive the car should fill out the line for the day; only one entry per day is required so the subsequent drivers that day need not make an entry.

If out after 12.00 am  (Midnight) a new entry is required.

Changing address

Note that you need to contact Vicroads club department specifically if you move address as the current system is not linked to their regular system.

Changing Clubs

If you join the ASRF and your car has H or M plates with another club you can have your Vicroads renewals changed to ASRF signature by asking an ASRF Signatory to provide you with a letter that states you have changed to our club plus we will supply a new Vehicle Eligibility Form.

Unauthorised Modifications

Vicroads are concerned that some club members are making dangerous or illegal modifications after their vehicle has been placed on the SR or H/M system.

Lately Victoria Police have been sending copies of Defect Notices re Club Cars to Vicroads who then send us a “Please Explain”

Be warned that the ASRF Signatories have been requested by the Divisional Council Committee NOT TO SIGN renewals for members who are subject to these notices or are seen driving blatantly illegal vehicles.

If you have your car in a Rod Show with things like fenders removed we suggest you have a sign that states they were taken off for show purposes, or alternatively remove the rego plates and rego stickers. The Police and Vicroads regularly visit cruise nights, rod runs and shows, take photos of offender’s cars and act when they feel it’s warranted. This affects all of us.

Yearly SR Permit Renewals

1/ Ensure your ASRF Membership is current.

2/ Post the full renewal document with a stamped self-addressed envelope to one of the following ASRF Signatories

Bruce Helms                                              Geoff Murdoch

Po Box 1618                                                     4 Portal Place

Traralgon   Vic 3844                                      Patterson Lakes Vic 3197

0419 119 568                                                   9773  0337,  0405 028 703

Jim Davin                                                     Ivan Wilson (Renewals only)

37 Gainsborough Ave                                   58 John st

Lang Lang Vic 3984                                      Eltham Vic 3095

0417 039 450                                                  0425 726 668

Greg Morrissey (Renewals only)      Frank Velo (Renewals only)

1 Kingston st                                                   7 Kilkenny Rise

Moolap Vic 3224                                           Doreen Vic 3754

0409 955 348                                                 0412 231 132

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